Hands-on executive support, when we’re needed and for as long as we’re needed.

Celebrating 30 Years of Excellence!

Over the past 30 years, we have been honoured to help support and grow businesses and non profit organizations of all sizes. We are proud to have earned a reputation for excellence in the industry, and we will continue to strive to exceed our clients’ expectations.

Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice Award

The Osborne Group is a proud supporter of the Nonprofit Employer of Choice Awards (NEOC). The 2023 award winners have been announced. Congratulations to all of the winners!

NEW! Principal & Services Videos

Take a moment to view our new videos! Get to know our Principals and what they are passionate about. Learn more about how Osborne Principals can help your Business or NonProfit!

Advisory Board Services

We are now offering customized Advisory Board Services specifically designed for leaders who are concerned about growth but have little time to plan for long-term development.

Executive Performance on Demand

Nonprofit Services

Maximizing impact is job one of your organization. Our nonprofit experts have the depth and breadth of experience needed to support you through complicated projects or transitions.

Business Services

Your business is unique and requires the right strategy and a customized approach. We have the people, services, and track record to help identify, develop, and implement effective solutions.


Homepage – Table Soup Kitchen Foundation

Our organization needed a strategic plan to enhance our professionalism, establish clear direction, and define our goals. The Osborne Group guided us in creating this plan. Their approach was professional, organized, and structured, enabling full team participation. As a result, we now have dynamic policies, procedures, and sub-committees in place, allowing us to take a proactive approach.

Doug Morrison
President, Board Member, The Table Soup Kitchen Foundation
Homepage Arts Etobicoke

Faced with potential operational funding cuts, our not-for-profit organization recognized the urgent need to consider various scenarios to plan for financial change. We were looking for structure and experience to help us think through some difficult questions. The Osborne Group facilitated a workshop with our board and using our current strategic plan, they developed three financial scenarios for the organization to explore. The Osborne Group was very thorough and provided the external perspective needed to ask hard questions that led to in-depth conversations and great engagement from the board. We can now step back and look at our organization from a wider lens and we have a plan to best move forward. Overall, The Osborne Group provided incredible value and we are very pleased with the outcome.

Wendy Rading
Executive Director, Arts Etobicoke
Homepage – Cross Town

Working as a small team had become insular and repetitive, and the challenges of dealing with a tight budget meant we had to be creative to make the most of the available funds. We worked with The Osborne Group to create our new strategic plan because they had experience working with family health teams. They facilitated thoughtful and inclusive discussions with our team which allowed us to generate new ideas, gain a fresh perspective, and get out of our comfort zone. It was all very worthwhile because we now have a realistic plan that includes actionable items that we can work towards to reach the end goals and help drive us forward. The new plan is useful and understandable across sectors and allows the funders to see the challenges that lie ahead but also future success.

Kate Malisani
Executive Director, Crosstown Family Health Team
Homepage – Heartland Mutual Insurance

We were working with a team that had grown dissatisfied and was facing a lot of changes which resulted in low engagement scores. The Osborne Group was able to provide an HR advisor who facilitated sessions to talk with the group about the changes and expectations, new ways of measuring performance, explained the policies and processes and helped them explore career opportunities. After the sessions with the team, we could tell that the team was opening up to new ways of working and realize the benefits of the changes. We feel that overall, the sessions had a positive effect and that we are now on the right path forward.

Marcel Badertscher, CHRE
Vice President, Human Resources, Heartland Mutual Insurance
Homepage – New Circles

Our agency was going through a period of major transition, and we lacked bench strength on our team to help assess what was going on and provide top level leadership. The Osborne Group provided an interim executive leader who listened and quickly assessed the strengths and weaknesses of the organization. The ED made recommendations for new staff, restructuring and provided solid solutions that laid the groundwork for us to execute new initiatives and have long-term growth. We now have a stronger organization that’s armed with a strategic plan for a way forward.

Cindy Blakely
Founder, New Circles