“Make every detail perfect and limit the number of details to perfect.”- Jack Dorsey, Twitter co-founder.

Nobody builds a company to stagnate. You build it to grow and often to sell. Understanding your company value is critical. In most cases that means building on your strengths and addressing areas of weakness.

The question is, how do you identify your key value drivers? You might already know your distribution, product quality and dedicated team are among your strengths. But it’s essential to dig deeper – analyzing all your strengths, so you can use them to your advantage.

One way to determine where your strengths, relative to others in your industry  is to take the Value Builder questionnaire offered by The Osborne Group. The questionnaire is part of a system developed by internationally recognized small business expert John Warrillow. Your answers will help determine what drives up, or undermines, your company’s value.

The questionnaire takes just 15 minutes to complete online. The questionnaire generates a detailed report that an Osborne Group Certified Value Builder  will review with you during a complementary two-hour meeting.

You’ll learn how your business value compares with more than 17,000 similar companies.  In other words, you don’t need to rely on your instincts to determine your strengths – you will see real data.

There are eight Value Builder factors driving the value of your company:

  1. Financial Performance
  2. Growth Potential
  3. Neutrality (The Switzerland Structure)
  4. The Impact Cash Flow Has On Valuation (The Valuation Teeter Totter)
  5. Recurring Revenue
  6. Monopoly of Control
  7. Customer Satisfaction
  8. Owner Involvement (Hub and Spoke)

Your Value Builder report will provide an overall score and scores for each of these eight factors. Scores higher than average will indicate the main strengths you can build upon. You may discover some hidden strengths you never thought to consider.

For example, you might know that you are strong in customer follow-up, but you might not realize that you actually do much better than most other companies. Knowing this could give you an opportunity to leverage the trust you built with past clients to create new sales opportunities and even improve your offerings.

In our upcoming blogs, we’ll examine other Value Builder factors and their impact on your company’s worth.

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To find out how your company is performing, click here to take the Value Builder questionnaire: http://www.thevaluebuildersystem.com/osborne-group