by Jane Rounthwaite | Feb 18, 2021 | Osborne Insights Blogs
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the...
by Jane Rounthwaite | May 13, 2020 | Osborne Insights Blogs
As the days of the COVID-19 pandemic drag on, governments all over the world are unveiling plans to open the economy while keeping everyone safe. Here in Ontario, the provincial government has just extended the state of emergency until early June just as...
by Jane Rounthwaite | Nov 21, 2018 | Osborne Insights Blogs
It’s hard to turn on the radio or pick up a newspaper (paper or digital) without hearing about the security risks deriving from life on the internet. A probe into the Russian hackers who allegedly swayed the results of the 2016 American election.50 million members...
by Jane Rounthwaite | Jul 18, 2018 | Osborne Insights Blogs
During the run-up to the recent provincial election, there was much written about whether elections matter and whether it really makes a difference which party forms our government. The events of this past week demonstrate that it does in fact matter greatly and the...
by Jane Rounthwaite | Oct 11, 2016 | Osborne Insights Blogs
This may seem like a trivial subject for a business blog but first impressions are very important. The experts say we make up our mind about whether we like a person in somewhere between 3 to 10 seconds. This is exactly the time in an encounter when a first handshake...