The Importance of Coaching

Recently I was involved in an experience that vividly reminded me about the importance of effective coaching. I was engaged in a high endurance event that involved snowshoeing down a mountain at night (with a headlight of course).  The course was extreme and required...

The Hidden Cost of a Hospital Stay

Like many of us Baby Boomers, I am engaged in the care regime for my aged mother – she turns 93 this spring and is not happy about it! While my mother is basically extremely healthy for her age, events such as a fall can easily result in a trip to the emergency room,...

The Hole in the Water

Over my career I have observed work colleagues who have behaved as if they were indispensable.  It’s a great feeling (if you like that sort of thing) to be the one that people rely on, when your views and opinions are highly valued and your influence can make a...