Judy Fantham

NonProfit "Turnaround" Projects and Interim Executive

A high energy executive with diverse experience shifting organizational cultures to more effective teams, strategic visioning and building collaborations to thrive. Judy has a strong track record of NFP Leadership – creating innovative award-winning programming to strengthen organizations and encourage and facilitate social change. Her foundational training in journalism has produced a probing interview style for strategic planning and an ability to uncover and develop compelling stories for fundraising and advancement.

Client Services

  • Organizational turnarounds
  • Large-scale organizational development with innovative formats
  • Interim executive leadership
  • Strategic planning
  • Fund development
  • Story-telling tools for fund development and stakeholder reporting
  • Supporting governance

Selected Achievements

  • As Executive Director: Within two years turned Newcomer Women’s Services, Toronto (NEW) from a troubled organization into a Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice™ award winner
  • Launched first-ever fund-raising at NEW with a three-year strategic plan, achieving five times the first-year target and four times the goal for year two
  • As Director of Organizational Development, Toronto Community Housing: Designed an innovative series of interactive forums at Canada’s largest social housing provider that engaged 500 front-line workers and tenants to enhance customer service
  • As Director of Learning and Development, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation: Facilitated the creation of a five-year strategic plan for CBC Television News through a massive Appreciative Inquiry Summit of 150 representative journalists across Canada


  • Royal Roads University – Master of Arts in Leadership and Training
  • Carleton University– Bachelor of Journalism, Honours
  • Current or recent Board member for the Raw Carrot (social enterprise), Learning for a Sustainable Future, Endeavour Consulting for Non-Profits, Mixed Company Theatre (theatre for social change) and the North York Harvest Food Bank
  • Kaplan Norton Balanced Scorecard certification
  • Multiple Instrument Certifications such as Thinking Intentions Profile, Personality Dimensions, MBTI, etc.
  • Appreciative Inquiry Foundations
Fantham Judy Testimonial #2

Judy Fantham helped our organization develop a new strategic plan. She worked diligently and delved deeply to uncover the core issues with a sensitive approach. Judy’s genuine care and understanding of our challenges were evident. We rate Judy a 10+ on a scale of 1-10!

Doug Morrison
President, Board Member The Table Soup Kitchen Foundation
Fantham Judy Testimonial #1

Judy Fantham was the interim executive director for New Circles during a period of immense change. She worked quickly to assess our situation, made recommendations and followed through for a complete transformation of our organization. She was able to do this with grace, was always listening, always constructive and forever patient. She is highly personable and took the time to talk with all the staff, board members and volunteers to bring out the very best in the team. Judy is an exceptional leader and strategic thinker who can think out of the box and come up with solutions for the best possible outcome. She made such a positive difference to New Circles in every way, and it was an absolute pleasure to work with her!

Cindy Blakely
Founder, New Circles