Creating a High Functioning Not-for-Profit Board
Not-for-profit boards are one way that volunteers contribute their time, energy and leadership skills to support organizations that help create a more complete social safety net in our communities. Currently, I devote my spare time to supporting bereaved parents and...
The Gift of Honest Feedback
We know feedback is important to organizations yet as reported by Michael Blanding in the Harvard Business Review in 2022, a Gallup poll found only 26 percent of employees strongly believe that the feedback they receive helps their performance. Meantime, Blanding...
Strategic Planning for Not-for-Profits: Best Practices and Trends
Strategic planning is essential for Not-for-Profits, enabling them to refine their mission, establish long-term strategic priorities, and chart the course to achieve those goals. With more than twenty strategic plans under my belt over the past decades, I've witnessed...
How To Survive the Sudden Departure of an Executive Director or CEO
The unexpected departure of an Executive Director (ED) or Chief Executive Officer (CEO) can pose significant challenges for any nonprofit organization. However, with a solid strategy and succession plan in place, the board can maintain continuity and stability for all...
Breaking the Isolation: How a Board of Advisors Can Help You Navigate the Challenges of Business Leadership
Owning and running a business can be a solitary journey, where the challenges of success often feel insurmountable. You are the clear leader and visionary behind your business however no-one has experienced every situation or has the skills to manage every challenge....
Leadership Through a New Lens: Harnessing Diverse Perspectives for Innovative Solutions
Several years ago, I wrote a column for the Globe Careers’ Leadership Lab series exploring the power of entrenched perspectives, using an example that, at the time, captured the internet by storm—the viral debate over the colour of a dress. Was it blue and black, or...