Simplify – and Increase Sales

I don’t know which activity has more possible solutions available, those promising miracle cures to lose weight or miracle cures to increase business sales. Now I don’t promise any expertise on weight loss, but I did learn a long time ago that everything you do in...

Fraud Protect Your Business

According to statistics, about 90 percent of businesses report that they have experienced fraud or theft of some kind.  Common frauds include embezzlement, cheque and credit card fraud, employee dishonesty, vendor and internet fraud. Proper accounting records, reports...

Black and White on Electricity

The Black Hydro One is reporting 4th quarter revenue was down 8.4% and overall profit was down almost 34 % from the previous year. The $1.7 Billion 2nd round of the Hydro One IPO got lukewarm investor reception.  Hydro One delivered ever higher electric rates and...