Why You Need Project Governance

On a regular basis, organizations identify work that needs to be done on a business system within your organization.  It might be implementing new tools or making enhancements to an existing solution.  When planning and evaluating new things, everyone thinks about the...

Count On It – Things Will Change

Early in my financial services career one of my managers told me there will never be a financial transaction allowed that is not sealed by an inked signature on paper. A pretty strong prediction, but he didn’t believe the industry would ever change to allow anything...

Because It’s 2016 (Continued)

In our recent newsletter, our Managing Partner discussed the need for gender equality in C-suite positions and Boards across Canada. http://us10.campaign-archive2.com/?u=bac33b218bba1549b541ccfb3&id=6ea0342c35&e=f9c901a2c6 In Ontario, female employees...