Three Good Reasons to Hire an Executive Consultant
Is it just me, or do ‘consultants’ typically receive a bad rap? Over-charging for services, a lack of clear outcomes and no proven ROI are things I often see noted on The Consultant Rap Sheet. One sage writer (himself a consultant) claims that whether consultants have...
Understanding the Wage Rebate: Canada’s COVID-19 Response for Charities and Businesses
On March 18th, 2020, the federal government released Canada’s COVID-19 Economic Response Plan: Support for Canadians and Businesses. The response plan provides businesses, charities and individuals with up to C$27 billion in direct support to help stabilize the...
Restaurant Industry Focused on Weathering the COVID-19 Coronavirus Crisis
The restaurant business is built on the idea of bringing people together over food but in this unprecedented time, we must all prioritize the safety of guests and staff. Life now is like nothing we've ever seen. It can be scary, even for the most resilient, optimistic...
The Recruiting Gap
So, your valued senior staff member has found a new opportunity and has just given you two weeks notice. Great! You wish them well, notify your staff and start the scramble to update the job description and get up to speed on the person’s current projects. The two...
Self Care: Not Just Kale Smoothies
So, how’s that self care going? If you’re like me, it seems months ago that we celebrated the beginning of 2020. Looking back (!) I had several goals for this year and making healthier choices was top of the list. But, in the last three weeks, have I done much to jump...
Five generations in the workplace: Why Millennials (Gen Y) are critical to your success
In recent years, Millennials have been taking a bad rap. Some comments are fair, but most comments are simply misinformed. Investing the time to understand this group will yield large benefits. Consider the following… Baby boomers have not retired en masse, and many...