A Safe Workplace – Beyond Physical Security

A Safe Workplace – Beyond Physical Security

Cyber-bullying, harassment, and other behaviours that can have a profound effect on employee well-being and sense of security are on the rise. It’s not enough to make sure the workplace is physically secure – it must also provide psychological safety and support.  In...

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Driven by Mission

Driven by Mission

In the first blog of this series, I shared how non-profits and businesses are alike and how businesses can learn from the non-profit world. One key lesson is how non-profit organizations stay true to their mission. Staying on mission helps block out some of the...

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A Crash Course in Nonprofit Fundraising

A Crash Course in Nonprofit Fundraising

Spoiler Alert: It’s not magic!  As an Executive Director of medium-sized non-profits for the past 5 years I’ve learned about fund raising off the corner of my desk. I’ve also interviewed the best in the business. And it’s paid off. Literally. This year I’ve increased...

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