Just How Firm Does the Handshake Need to be??
This may seem like a trivial subject for a business blog but first impressions are very important. The experts say we make up our mind about whether we like a person in somewhere between 3 to 10 seconds. This is exactly the time in an encounter when a first handshake...
Beware the Impacts of Harmful Management Practices
Often individuals hired into management roles lack the skills and training to be effective managers. This can usually be remedied with good training and mentoring. However some individuals hired into management roles do not have the personal attributes to become a...
Interim Leadership – More Gain, Less Pain
A recent assignment as interim executive director for a mid-sized non-profit confirmed my experience that engaging an interim executive director or CEO during times of transition results in a more successful permanent hire and a more productive organization. Finding...
The Gift of Experience in the Board Room
A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of sailing with two very distinguished sailors and business men now in their mid-eighties but looking much younger. I enjoyed listening to them talk about their sailing exploits and their business deals of the past - what they...
Has Your Workplace Prepared For Bill 132?
On September 8, 2016, Bill 132 on Harassment and Sexual Violence in the Workplace took full effect. Bill 132 expands on Occupational Health and Safety Act’s Bill 168 – Violence in the Workplace by adding harassment and sexual violence in the workplace to the...
It’s Time for Adaptive Leadership
Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there……… Will Rogers, American humorist The world has changed in some way since I started writing this. Urban legend...