What I Learned at Summer Camp
Many of the organizations I have worked with are, in some way or other, a cooperative or collaborative. These are people, and their organizations, that have come together in cooperation to create something that is more than they could be on their own. However,...
Aligning Entrepreneurs with Customer Needs
I want to talk about a very simple idea, but one that plagues the success of entrepreneurs the world over and inhibits their ability to successfully commercialize ideas. It is based on this one premise, “Entrepreneurs love to talk about their solution, but hate to...
The Collection World Is Changing……..Are You Keeping Up?
Collections are oftentimes the “poor cousins” of other business functions. But you might be surprised to learn how large the pool of dollars collected can be. It’s not unusual in larger companies to realize annual dollars collected in the hundreds of millions. In...
Guiding Business Transition – An Art Form
As a business change agent, I have frequently experienced a business during serious change and restructuring. What have I learned from these often chaotic situations? There are many reasons the change is initiated: Market disruption renders the business model obsolete...
Part-Time Executive, Full-Time Value
Small and mid-size companies are finding they need the expertise of a CFO these days, but the challenge is finding ‘big-company’ experience at an affordable cost. Without a financial officer, mid-market and small companies are at a competitive disadvantage. They...
The Personal Touch – Turning Good Service Into Great Service
Earlier this week, when buying a birthday present for my husband, I just happened to find something for me. Don’t know how that happens, but it usually does. Unfortunately, they didn’t have my size (again, don’t know how that happens but it usually does). The...