The 4 Pillars of Change Management
We can all acknowledge that change is both inevitable and continual, as often reverberated in the phrase, “the only constant is change”. And while no business sits on its laurels and avoids change, it always amazes me how so many organizations get change management...
How to Optimize Covid-19 Workplace Interventions
As we enter 2022, we’re dealing with an even more transmissible virus creating more hospitalization than in the first two rounds of lockdowns. Facing new and unpredictable variants, what can an organizational leader do to optimize operations and get employees back to the workplace?
Be happy with mental fitness
2022 is upon us. And I’ve been feeling meh. Although 2021 was in many ways a great year overall, there is no doubt these 20 months have been stressful. Once the time change ushered in the seasonal blues, I’ve been wanting to pull the bedcovers over my head and hibernate until spring.
Employers, Is Your Company Ready to Support Long-Term Remote Work?
When was the last time you did something in a hurry, and everything worked out fine? It doesn’t happen often, and I’d wager it didn’t happen when you rushed to figure out how to operate when the pandemic forced your workforce home. With how quickly things happened, decisions had to be made quickly and many were forced into survival mode.
A Breakdown of the Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA)
The Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA), over ten years in development, was proclaimed on October 19, 2021. It is the enabling corporate legal framework for most not-for-profits incorporated under Ontario provincial law. It may affect not-for-profits in many important ways, such as:
The Great Resignation – What is it and how is it impacting Canadians?
Have you heard of “The Great Resignation” or the “Big Quit”? If you haven’t, it’s the ongoing trend in the United States of employees voluntarily leaving their jobs—from spring 2021 to the present—in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.