RFPs – Do they really make sense today?

As part of my consulting gig, I’m frequently obligated to participate and to comment on RFP contract value and winnability. As both a consultant and a former multinational supply chain manager, I have a conflicting view of publicly posted RFPs. A strong, well-written...

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The Best Performing Team I Ever Had

The Best Performing Team I Ever Had

There has been much written about building and leading great teams and I feel some reluctance to extend that list. Though once I had the privilege to lead a team whose performance was significantly higher than any other I worked with over the past 3 decades. The...

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A Few Thoughts on Budgeting and Planning Ahead

A Few Thoughts on Budgeting and Planning Ahead

A budget is not a forecast that you can put together on the weekend while at the cottage enjoying the view of the lake. It must be a result of some coordinated input and effort by the management team. It requires some time and thought, just like every other important...

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The Osborne Principle – Fall 2017

  Master your merger with the help of a seasoned professional. Efficiency, effectiveness, and expansion are sought-after goals of most organizations regardless of the sector in which they operate. Businesses want to grow their customer base – not-for-profits want...

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