My Trip to Vimy

  With all the recognition in recent days of the battle at Vimy Ridge in 1917, I have been thinking about my own trip to Vimy a few years ago. I didn’t go because I had relatives who fought and died there. I didn’t go because I am a war historian. I went because...

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Ontario Electricity 2017

There’s lots of talk show and media chatter out there about Ontario’s electricity system - unfortunately lots of misinformation too. A good new “Backgrounder-January 2107” put out by Environmental Defense Canada presents original research done by Power Advisory LLC....

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Does Diverse Experience Really Matter?

Looking back over my career, I saw many different business models and strategic outcomes. The question of career experience and how a senior executive “fits” a particular business can vary from very well, to OK to not at all. Clearly one size in executive talent, does...

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The Value of Not Working

It’s easy for most of us to fall into a pattern: work, family and perhaps a hobby or two. Those elements can add up to a busy life, with evenings and weekends taken up with grocery shopping and other errands. If you have children there are endless sports and arts...

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Putting Charitable Brand Value to Work

There is an opportunity in Canada and around the world to break fertile new ground, increase the potential of raising millions of dollars in revenue and engage many thousands of people in mission-based work with an audience that has yet to be deftly explored. But...

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Join the Smart Team

  I recently attended a national real estate conference in Toronto and had the pleasure of sitting with Gordon Campbell, former High Commissioner to the UK and a former B.C. Premier. I have met Premier Campbell many times when I was at UBC so I thought it would...

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