Leadership and the Success of Failure

“Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out.” James B. Conant Former President of Harvard University   I don’t know of anyone who isn’t afraid of failure at some level. That fear can span a wide variety of things, ranging from trying a...

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PIC Your Way to Effective Messaging

“The beatings will continue until morale improves!” This quote reminds us that, in spite of being explicitly clear and understandable, there just might be better ways to incent desired behavior. As sales and marketing professionals, we are constantly creating new...

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The Bottom Line on Product Pricing

Every business, no matter whether they are big or small, is often faced with product pricing decisions.  Every business person knows that a product priced too high may not attract as many buyers as a lower price product assuming equal quality.  Similarly a product...

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Annual Performance Reviews – Stay or Go?

With the start of 2017 I couldn’t help but think about the dreaded performance review process that may be underway in some organizations and how this is so stressful and time consuming for managers and employees. Especially for HR folks who police the most unpopular...

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Change Is The Only Constant

Increasingly “change” is the only constant we can count on. As not-for-profit (NFP) leaders we need to step up and stay nimble, to stay on top of the mega trends impacting our organizations. Such as: BREXIT, Trump, the woman’s march, false news and alternate facts,...

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Fired Up and Ready to Grow

  On January 11, 2017, a new Osborne Principal, Gail Picco, posted a blog titled “Fired Up and Ready to Go”. As a fellow Osborne Principal, I certainly appreciated Gail’s natural enthusiasm, something I really needed, especially during this most dismal part of...

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