When Oversight Fails, Reputations Fall

The concepts of openness and transparency have changed dramatically in the last 20 years, in part due to the swiftness and broad reach of social media.  Publicly funded organizations have been jettisoned into a completely different realm.  As one would expect, some...

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What is Talent Management?

A colleague of mine asked me recently, “what does talent management mean”? Talent management is a pretty common term these days.  If you go on to Workopolis or LinkedIn you can find jobs with titles such as Coordinator, Manager, Director or even Global VP of Talent...

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Listening – It’s Quite an Art

In a different lifetime I was involved in collective bargaining with the union local representing the workers in our manufacturing facility. If you’ve been involved, you know it’s usually a very adversarial process. We were fortunate enough to have a very experienced...

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Who Is the Best Buyer for Your Business?

In our Value Builder series we explore the eight key factors potential buyers review when looking to acquire a business - maybe yours Who Is the Best Buyer for Your Business? Determining the best buyer for your business is not always a cut and dried proposition. Sure,...

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