Do You Know The Impact You Have On Others?

I’m a firm believer that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ and subscribe to the notion that as long as we are learning and growing, we continue to ‘be raised’. During a recent coaching session with a client whose background goes from law enforcement to...

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Baseball Stats for the Post-Season

Toronto Blue Jays fans were disappointed this week to hear that the team’s 2015 “Rent-an-Ace”, David Price, has signed a new contract with the Boston Red Sox. The contract is reputedly for 7 years and 217 million dollars. It occurred to me that here was some...

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Business Evaluation, is it a Science or an Art?

When watching the Dragons Den or the Shark’s Tank have you ever wondered how some of the entrepreneurs came up with their evaluation for their business? They often seem to be many multiples more than their sales with little consideration for the actual profitability....

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Baseball and the Quest for Perfect Data

Over the past month I have been watching a lot of baseball.  For the record, I always watch baseball in October and usually watch the teams that I follow go down, one by one. This year was extra exciting due to the participation of my hometown Toronto Blue Jays, which...

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Leadership – More Than Just A Style!

How many times have we heard the suggestion that good a leadership style is essential to success? But then we ask ourselves of all the leadership styles what is the best one? Or is there a point in time when any of the leadership styles could be the right one? Are we...

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