Leadership for Collective Impact

Leadership for Collective Impact

Gone are the days when non-profit organizations could tackle a social cause on their own. The individual approach to solving issues results in limited or isolated impact. Pre-pandemic, work had already begun in the non-profit sector to work collaboratively to address...

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Bill 88: An Opinion on Employee Surveillance

Bill 88: An Opinion on Employee Surveillance

Under Bill 88, the Working for Workers Act 2022, employers now need to let their employees know when and if they are monitoring what they do on their laptops or computers. The question comes to mind – why wouldn’t employers let their employees know all along? What do...

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Embracing Organizational Change After COVID-19

Embracing Organizational Change After COVID-19

It is both amazing and exciting to me that after 3 years of living in a COVID world, the only thing we as leaders can know for sure is that change happened. Leadership knows but oftentimes struggles with what change will mean for their employees and their business. If...

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